The Silverton Arts Association hosts a variety of creative workshops and classes, as well as speaker events. If you'd like to offer a program at the Art Center, we want to hear from you! Workshops are 1-2 session low-cost experiences designed as introductions to various art practices. Classes may be offered over multiple weeks, and go more in-depth on an art practice. Speaker events are an opportunity for artists to share their creative process, and are made free to our community (though speakers may offer their work for sale with Association approval).
Our maximum class/workshop size at this time is 12 students. Minimum is 5 students. As much as possible, we try to enfold the cost of materials into the class/workshop itself to simplify the process for our students. Please indicate if you plan to supply materials for the students, and if so, what they should expect to pay you directly on the first day of class for those materials OR please provide a list of supplies they are expected to purchase and bring to class.
Instructors and the Art Center work together to deliver creative programming to our community. We work on a profit sharing model, the artist receiving 60% of of the class fee, and the Art Center 40%. However always know that if you were to volunteer your time, we would greatly appreciate it!
We require all teachers to complete a background check and sign our child-protection policy. In all cases, we'll work to ensure we can offer your program while keeping our kiddos safe! Teachers may teach youth (grades 6-12) in adult-level programs with the requirement that parents/guardians sign the appropriate release form.
Please fill in the form below with a description of the program you'd like to teach, and our programming director will be in touch with next steps. If you have any questions, please email programming@silvertonarts.org.